I finished more video games in 2009 than in any other year of my life, according to a big list I've been keeping…
I finished more video games in 2009 than in any other year of my life, according to a big list I've been keeping…
Square Enix unleashes an Earth-swallowing alien invasion over Xbox Live Arcade, guaranteeing twitch-addicted gamers…
How can it not be? A new Metal Gear Solid, a new Kingdom Hearts, a new Valkyria Chronicles, maybe even that new…
On Wednesday, EA CEO John Riccitiello provided evidence — in chart form — that his company published the most…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
This week brings WiiWare demos of five popular titles, a new Art Style title for the DSi, and Pokémon's answer to…
Petroglyph and True Games have released a set of screenshots detailing the various environments found in the…
EA and Activision have released dozens of games on the Wii, and sold a bunch. But once people get these games home,…
Perhaps the essence of Lost Planet isn't the snow of the first game or the jungle of the upcoming sequel's first…