How would Tim write a Super Mario novel? Who is the David Mamet of video games? Why are gamers so inarticulate? What…
A dungeon crawling role-playing game.
How would Tim write a Super Mario novel? Who is the David Mamet of video games? Why are gamers so inarticulate? What…
Strong users of rental services and resale or trade-in options, sports gamers justifiably feel blindsided by EA…
Bombastic, titanic, brutally imaginative and even occasionally subtle, God of War III is the latest, best reason for…
As game designers become more like film directors, the paths they lay out for players becomes increasingly scripted…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
Was GLaDOS, the artificial intelligence in 2007's critically acclaimed Portal, in fact a game designer? And if so,…
The second or third sequel to a good video game is usually better than the first. But the seventh — arguably ninth —…
Bob Dylan once told a journalist that the first time he heard a recording of Elvis Presley singing "That's All…