They're putting zombies in the next free update to the iPhone and iPad Pocket God: Journey To Uranus, possibly…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Undead zombies
This is a third person action game,The player is surrounded by zombies,Players are free to explore the surrounding area or enter the building to see what's going on,Players must maintain health, avoid zombie attacks or kill zombies.
They're putting zombies in the next free update to the iPhone and iPad Pocket God: Journey To Uranus, possibly…
Each year a panel of game industry experts grant free floor space at Penny Arcade Expo to ten indie games they deem…
When you get bitten by a zombie, you turn into a zombie. It's one of the cardinal rules of the undead, but what if…
Last week, the latest entry in Sega's popular Yakuza series hit Japan after suffering a brief delay. It was the…
The Indie Stone's calamitous path has finally brought it to a place where Project Zomboid is available to play as a…
Techland's Dead Island reminds me of a recurring nightmare, an unsettling dream of helplessness in which my body…
A real game based on the Royal Wedding would be boring as all hell. You'd be managing sliders based on protocol and…
Done Yours Yet? | If not, you still have the weekend. A quirk in the calendar, involving a District of Columbia…
The video game zombies of Resident Evil and Dead Rising are equally undead and equally at ease with chewing on your…
Chuck Greene wasn't the hero of Dead Rising 2. Chuck Greene wasn't the man who faced down the slow flood of zombies…