It’s time to go back to Gotham. Who else is going to solve all those Riddler boxes and quick time events?
A shoot 'em up game released in arcades. It was a Virtual Reality game.
It’s time to go back to Gotham. Who else is going to solve all those Riddler boxes and quick time events?
Hello all you post-Singularity orgasm-antelopes of the noosphere, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating…
Once upon a time there was going to be a Rayman game for the SNES. Series creator Michel Ancel was one of two people…
Storytelling was never the same after Dungeons & Dragons. When players, guided by a dungeon master, knit a dense…
Rather than rebuild Sega Master System classic Wonder Boy III: The Dragon’s Trap from the ground up, developer…
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The Evil Within was supposed to be Shinji Mikami’s triumphant return to form. The creator of Resident Evil had…
This is the heart warming tale of Rose, her golem friend, and Rose’s many horrible, brutal, gore-filled deaths.
Marvel’s most important black superhero has evolved a lot over 50 years. The Black Panther has gone from being an…