The PlayStation 3 Play Create Share initiative takes to the streets with ModNation Racers, the urban vinyl-fueled…
Buckle up and hit the gas! Beat the time records and compare your high score with all players worldwide.
The PlayStation 3 Play Create Share initiative takes to the streets with ModNation Racers, the urban vinyl-fueled…
After watching Firemint's Real Racing HD idle at the top end of the iPad gaming charts every week since the…
Slim, sexy and packed with a library of games, the iPad is shaping up to be a powerful contender in the eyes and for…
All it took was seeing one demolition derby to hook me on car combat, but in video games we haven't seen much in the…
My biggest concern with over-the-top racer Split/Second isn't with its explosive premise or arcade controls, it's…
Want to know how to get Ratchet & Clank, Kratos, and Nathan Drake figures for ModNation Racers when it hits stores…
On March 4, 2000, Sony unleashed the successor to their wildly successful PlayStation on an unsuspecting world. Ten…
The iPhone is no gaming device... unless you make it one.
While it's a bit peculiar to give GOTYs for a single mobile device, none had as robust a library of games offering…
Slick Entertainment's Scrap Metal adds some much needed vehicular carnage to Xbox Live Arcade, a top down combat…