And the people rejoiced, for grenades had become more powerful. Except pulse grenades. Because fuck pulse grenades.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Titan Hunter
A roguelike game where you have to wander around the world in search of Titans. You will have to go through the confusing locations filled aggressive monsters and powerful weapons and finally avenge your people.
And the people rejoiced, for grenades had become more powerful. Except pulse grenades. Because fuck pulse grenades.
When the first Destiny came out, I always admired my friends’ Destiny outfits. Now that the sequel is here, I’m…
As I struggle to fall asleep after a night of Destiny 2, the game keeps running through my mind. It’s like getting a…
So you want to play Destiny 2 but are a little foggy about the first game? No worries, I got you.
Back in 2015, Hasbro asked Transformers fans to choose between Autobot Omega Supreme and Decepticons Scorponok and…
If you were hoping for something dramatically different from Bungie’s much ballyhooed Destiny sequel, I regret to…
McFarlane Toys really lucked out with the Destiny license. Not only does it get to make some cool figures and…
For years now, the latest console generation has been coasting on the idea that more raw power means better games.…
When a game is as pretty as Destiny can be, it deserves more than some Mega Bloks sets. McFarlane Toys sets things…
There have always been at least two Destinys. There’s the Destiny that most people play, where you fly around the…