So you've come to Japan and have even made your way to otaku mecca Akihabara. Since you've followed our guide,…
So you've come to Japan and have even made your way to otaku mecca Akihabara. Since you've followed our guide,…
It's time for the annual running of the bladder, as Mountain Dew once again teams up with a major fall video game…
It's a week of tiny gems and quirky Japanese imports, a relaxing respite before the season of "massive games you…
Still need a Playstation 4? Grab one today with inFamous: Second Son and 3 months of Playstation plus thrown in for…
I had a conversation with my friend Will the other night. He said something along the lines of Dota 2 not actually…
In January of 2010, I decided to change my outlook on how I manage my gaming time, how I collect games, and how I…
Every year, a Pokemon tournament is held in Japan to decide the nation's best schoolboy player. It's a competition…
The creators of Magicka have never made a console game before, but their first—Helldivers—is one hell of a doozy.…
The above character appears to make a nuanced hint at her gender change in the latest Pocket Monster game, Pokémon…