Competitive League of Legends has grown past just the five-player line-up. Coaching staff and more people in charge…
This is Football Management is a simulation sports game. Have you ever sat around with your mates discussing the strengths and weaknesses of the 4-4-2 diamond formation? Ever felt as though you can do better? Well this is your chance!
Competitive League of Legends has grown past just the five-player line-up. Coaching staff and more people in charge…
If a game tells me I’m going to carve up demons with a chainsaw called the “Warrrsaw,” it puts my expectations in…
2015 has been a weird year for me and video games. In one way, it’s been defined by the fact there’s been a shortage…
Pro wrestling injuries suck for the wrestlers who get hurt. For everyone else, they are, weirdly, a good thing.…
If you’ve never played Football Manager, everything you’re about to read will sound absolutely crazy. If you have,…
When the North American League of Legends pro team Team Curse picked up Korean player Chae "Piglet" Gwang-jin last…
In the early 1990s, Sega had a 6% market share in the US whilst Nintendo had 94% – but by the middle of the decade,…
Fifteen years ago, the Dreamcast launched in North America, five weeks before hitting the UK. D.R.E.A.M.C.A.S.T.…
After 16 years covering the game industry, playing hundreds of games and interviewing thousands of people, I've…
Barely a week after the Super Bowl ended, fans of the Cleveland Browns got confirmation they were functionally…