Hello all you orgasm piranhas of impending doom, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column that…
It’s been a while since I’ve played something as refreshingly uncomplicated as Crackdown 3. You’re a big dude (or…
Hello all you facecriminals of the Twitternet, and welcome to Ask Dr. NerdLove, the only dating advice column to…
Some games’ post-release plans are stingy, others generous, some comically convoluted. And then there’s the…
Not to sound like the guy who sold you weed in high school, but did you ever think about roofs? What the fuck are…
In real life, I turn a bit green at the sight of a butcher shop. In video games, I am a merciless killer of monsters…
When Nintendo and Cygames’ Dragalia Lost launched at the end of last month, I said it was a slick version of the…
For a couple of months I’ve been dipping in and out of #SelfCare, a game about deciding to not get out of bed. It’s…