CultureNewsCultureNewsPayday 3 Devs Explain Terrible Matchmaking IssuesThe always-online heist game has been hit-or-miss in its first weekByEthan GachPublishedSeptember 25, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsTears Of The Kingdom Player Beats The Game Without Touching The SurfaceWith a little help from some fairies, you can finish the game without even landing in HyruleByKenneth ShepardPublishedSeptember 22, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsEvery Change In Baldur's Gate 3's Third Giant UpdatePatch 3 is live for the Dungeons & Dragons RPG and the list of changes is hurting my brainByEthan GachPublishedSeptember 22, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsModern Warfare III Zombie Trailer Brings New, But Familiar, Faces To Iconic ModeTreyarch is bringing Zombies to a Modern Warfare title, and it’s going open-worldByLevi WinslowPublishedSeptember 19, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsStarfield Fans Have Discovered A Halo Easter EggPlanet Epsilon Eridani II is featured in both Starfield and Halo: ReachByClaire JacksonPublishedSeptember 18, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsAmber Heard Spent Two Months Designing Overwatch Mercy Cosplay For Ex Elon MuskJournalist Walter Isaacson shares the details in new biography Elon MuskByAshley BardhanPublishedSeptember 12, 2023
The BestsThe BestsThe Pokémon Champions, Ranked From Worst To BestWhere do Lance, Cynthia, and Geeta rank on a list of the very best like no one ever was?ByKenneth ShepardPublishedSeptember 11, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsStarfield Fans Are Melting Down Over ‘Invisible Walls’ And The Possible Limits Of ExplorationBethesda’s RPG sounds ridiculously big and the pre-launch debates around it are just as absurdByEthan GachPublishedAugust 28, 2023
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentarySo Just Who Is That Masked Inquisitor In Star Wars: Ahsoka?While we still don’t officially know who Marrok actually is, we have some possible optionsByZack ZwiezenPublishedAugust 25, 2023
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureDespite Advancements, Games Still Aren't Doing Enough To Stop Toxic Voice ChatThough games like Overwatch and Call of Duty have automated systems for flagging toxicity, women gamers are still…ByAlyssa MercanteUpdatedJuly 24, 2023