The first season of Aldnoah.Zero took the mecha anime formula of Gundam and turned it on its head—giving the super…
From Voltage's famous interactive romance series comes the glitzy, fairy tale world of The Princess in the Mirror!
The first season of Aldnoah.Zero took the mecha anime formula of Gundam and turned it on its head—giving the super…
Each season, there are guaranteed to be a few mecha anime—usually following a young male protagonist who ends up…
AMD and Nvidia are at it again. The two reigning champs in the market for video game graphics have been fighting…
I'm guessing that you've played a lot of video games using your hands. Well, how many have you played with your…
Subtle, beautiful, and unflinchingly consistent in quality, The Land Before Time Tridecology (or triskaidecalogy if…
Amazon's Gold Box Deal of the Day is one of the first big sales we've seen on one of the funniest games out there. $4…
Pre-order your copy of Infamous: Second Son today and get a $25 Dell gift card thrown in. Obviously you'll have to…
Frankly MSRP I don't give a damn.
There was a time when rainbows and unicorns were the stuff of legend, relegated to the highest of high fantasy and…
Richard: Today, myself and fellow Kotaku author Toshi Nakamura are here to look at the recently released movie…