CultureOdds and EndsCultureOdds and EndsXbox Celebrates 20th Anniversary With A Museum That Might Drag YouLike a parent showing baby pictures to guests, my Xbox museum is kind of embarrassingByIsaiah ColbertPublishedNovember 23, 2021
ReviewsHardwareGame SystemsReviewsHardwareGame SystemsThe Evercade VS Recaptures That Cartridge Game MagicNew cartridge-based retro game console brings those old school Nintendo feelsByMike FaheyPublishedNovember 22, 2021
CultureFeatureCultureFeatureWhat The Xbox Series X/S Has (And Hasn’t) Added Over The YearYou still can't put screenshots on a thumb drive, huh?ByAri NotisPublishedNovember 19, 2021
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Game TipsGame TipsThe 10 Best Cars In Forza Horizon 5From Ferrari to Porsche, Lambo to Koenigsegg, here’s what you should spend your credits onByAri NotisPublishedNovember 12, 2021
CultureNewsCultureNewsBig NFT Project Cancelled After Just Five HoursIt is incredible how little research folks are doing before launching these thingsByLuke PlunkettPublishedOctober 21, 2021
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsThe New iPad Mini Reclaims The Title Of Best Gaming TabletAfter years of incremental upgrades, Apple finally returns the iPad Mini to its former gloryByMike FaheyPublishedOctober 15, 2021
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CultureNewsCultureNewsYouTubers Show Old Switch And New OLED Model Running Side By SideA few OLED Switches are sneaking into gamers’ hands, including some YouTubersByIsaiah ColbertPublishedSeptember 27, 2021
ReportReportThe Ascent Devs Dish On The Messy Launch For 2021’s Best Sci-Fi RPGNeon Giant reflects on connectivity issues, translation missteps, and moreByAri NotisPublishedSeptember 20, 2021