A Smash Bros.-style control scheme adds a breezy layer to Capcom’s deep fighting game
The No Button Game is a fast paced button-free platform game that does not require the use of buttons or sticks to be played. Place your wireless controller on a box then tap with your fingers and it is done! Don't you have a wireless controller or a box handy? No worries, there's the one button mode.
A Smash Bros.-style control scheme adds a breezy layer to Capcom’s deep fighting game
Sony’s improved subscription service could, um, stand to be improved
No one likes being a helpless, misunderstood teen about to get hacked apart—try these tips to keep it together
No more Bandai Namco splash screens, just sweet release
The MADE is finally moving into a new building, and wants the video game industry to help ensure its prosperous…
As usual, even a massive company’s online infrastructure isn’t ready for devoted fans
Recently released Switch game Card Shark teaches you to cheat and con using a deck of cards
Plus, Guerrilla’s PlayStation open-world game finally gets transmog
The latest Street Fighter 6 tease was a flurry of details and new characters
The franchise revamped its mixed-race Goth family, and players are (somewhat) pleased