All the Latest Game Footage and Images from The Last Bot
Play as a lone robot exploring a post-human world where nature has overtaken cities of towering skyscrapers. Unearth the forgotten legacy of your creators by reviving your sole companions - long dormant, malfunctioning robots - each holding a key to both the past and humanity's fate.
Devil May Cry 5 is a fever dance of slashes, air-steps, and ball-crushingly powerful grapples—a bloody monster mash…
Some Magic: The Gathering fans are sending cards through Google Translate, with hilarious results.
If you look at a list of the Steam games with the all-time highest concurrent player counts, you’ll mostly see the…
For the last 41 days, a Twitch user named Mosheddy has been persistently harassing a streamer named Tanya DePass.…
Wandersong is a side-scrolling rhythm adventure game that is—pardon my language—charming as all heck. Its…
For 13 years, I’ve been listing the games I’ve played each year. This used to be a means for me to log how many…
2018 was a dark time in the toy industry, as one of the biggest toy retailers in the country closed up shop, forcing…
There were loads of good video games in 2018, and I sure played a lot of them.