In today's extremely lengthy yet entertaining edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Nightram details 27 different…
In today's extremely lengthy yet entertaining edition of Speak Up on Kotaku, commenter Nightram details 27 different…
Batman: Arkham City, like other Game of the Year contenders that are in its league, should be praised both for what…
Did you know Batman: Arkham Asylum holds the Guinness World Record for 'Most Critically Acclaimed Superhero Game…
I'm consistently impressed by Ubisoft's apparent ability to crank out complete Assassin's Creed games each year.…
Last week, I attended an all-day Battlefield 3 event in San Francisco. Over the course of the day, I had a chance to…
Whenever someone I know mentions Facebook games in front of someone else, a few lines of conversation transpire,…
The original 2007 Crysis has a benchmark-y quality to it. It is no longer the Best-Looking PC Game In The World, but…
If you have Gears of War 3, you should play the Beast mode. It's the most satisfying way to team up with friends,…
Fifteen minutes of play time with the fifth Elder Scrolls game isn't enough. Skyrim is massive. A quarter of an hour…
Our retrospective letter series continues with part three.
An index of all letters can be found here.