Like most of us, Tim Sweeney has owned several Ferraris. He's also owned a few cell phones.
The Great Language Game was an educational browser game. The game played you a short audio clip and challenged you to identify what language was being spoken.
Like most of us, Tim Sweeney has owned several Ferraris. He's also owned a few cell phones.
Video games have a language all their own. It's a language that most people understand implicitly—concepts like…
A gambling man once bet me a hundred dollars he could think of something I couldn't convincingly pretend to dislike…
Of all the people you might have to buy gifts for this holiday season, the Sullen Teenage Girl just might be the…
It was a promise. British-born game designer Andrzej Zamoyski and his brother Adam made it as soon as they heard the…
I've been rolling and scrolling with a SteelSeries World of Warcraft MMO Gaming Mouse on and off since 2008,…
You may recall that a couple of weeks ago, Gamasutra's Brandon Sheffield ran an interview with id Software's CEO…
I think the people at Sega are proud that Super Monkey Ball has joined Ridge Racer as a series that is essentially a…
My native language is English. Yours might be. It might be another language, I don't know. Chances are, if you are…
Rockstar Games will end an a 10-month stretch of no major new video games next March. Not with the release of the…