For the past several days, I've been playing with a very nice laptop that has Windows 8 Professional installed on…
The Great Language Game was an educational browser game. The game played you a short audio clip and challenged you to identify what language was being spoken.
For the past several days, I've been playing with a very nice laptop that has Windows 8 Professional installed on…
Last week, during Gamescom, the folks behind the new Star Trek game put out a good-looking trailer and some nifty…
The line of games that started with Super Mario Bros and extends to this week's New Super Mario Bros. 2 have an…
Chinese internet cafes get a lot of bad press in Western media, most of which involves young people gaming for days…
The Commodore 64 turns 30 today. Reams of copy have been written in tribute to this machine. It wasn't the first…
Since the year before I got married, it's become an annual ritual, an immutable part of my life. For one week every…
The video game business isn't what it used to be. You know that as a gamer, but what you my find even more…
Now is the summer of our zombie apocalypse discontent. We've played so many zombie games; we've had glorious highs…
There's an interesting interview with Toby Gard, the creator of Tomb Raider, over on Critical Path's site. And it…