NBA2K16 is a AAA sports game with a big budget, big licensing, superstars on the cover and an ambitious singleplayer…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from The Academy
The Academy in the Original Game of FusionFall replaced the Future in a Major Game Update. The first four levels of the game moved much faster to get the Player into the Open World Area than it did previously in the Future, however many Players felt that the call to action was not as powerful as before.
NBA2K16 is a AAA sports game with a big budget, big licensing, superstars on the cover and an ambitious singleplayer…
The latest entry in Activision’s annual toys-to-life video game franchise has that new car smell.
Warren Spector - one of the main creative minds behind Deus Ex, and more recently programme director of the Denius-Sa…
Artist James Franzen entered the Pokémon Art Academy contest, and hey, he was one of three winners for North…
Games that build their own dungeons don’t just throw a bunch of rooms together. This Gamasutra post by Starlight…
Kindred Spirits on the Roof is a game about two ghosts who are eternally bound to a school—and the only way they can…
Some of the games industry’s most talented and experienced designers are making the leap from game development to…
D3 Publisher hasn’t always been the most subtle developer with games like the Dream Club series and Metal Gear Panty-…
Retronator Pixel Art Academy is a game that’s going to teach you about art, while being art at the same time. Ah,…