The Walking Dead: The Final Season started strong, with Telltale’s talented storytellers crafting a compelling new…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from The Academy
The Academy in the Original Game of FusionFall replaced the Future in a Major Game Update. The first four levels of the game moved much faster to get the Player into the Open World Area than it did previously in the Future, however many Players felt that the call to action was not as powerful as before.
The Walking Dead: The Final Season started strong, with Telltale’s talented storytellers crafting a compelling new…
Throughout last year, I keep hearing how terrific the Japanese zombie flick One Cut of the Dead was. And I kept…
Fire Emblem: Three Houses will release on July 26th on the Nintendo Switch. There’s some serious Hogwarts and Final Fantasy 8 stuff going on here, with a mercenary academy and multiple houses to pledge loyalty too. I seriously can’t wait.
February’s Games with Gold is an interesting mix, from retro stylings to series like Star Wars and Assassin’s Creed.…
It wasn’t clear what would happen to the final season of Telltale’s The Walking Dead after the company’s sudden and…
The weather is cold outside. But inside, there’s anime. Let’s figure out what shows we want to watch.
The end of the year puts everybody in the mood to look back. Personally, when I look back, I like to look way back.…
There’s taking your ball and going home, and then there’s whatever Toronto Esports just did. After a few days of…
Netflix’s Castlevania is a strong adaptation and expansion on Castelvania III: Dracula’s Curse. I spoke to…
A day before Halloween, Google has reworked its logo into an online multiplayer game called The Great Ghoul Duel to…