"Quake-style mixed with Doom gameplay" Early in 2005, possibly one of CZG's most famous map packs, an Episode with six medium-sized bases, Wizard-themed levels, and a start map.
In Final Fantasy VI, the villains triumph. It’s one of the most shocking moments in gaming. As devastating at the…
Final Fantasy and I have a lot in common. We’re both charming, aging rapidly, and occasionally haunted by anime…
Earlier this year, manga Terra Formars went on hiatus due to writer Yu Sasuga’s health. The manga was slated to…
As you get off the train for Tokyo Game Show, you’re greeted by the main characters of every Final Fantasy. It’s an ad for a 30th anniversary art exhibition starting in January here in Tokyo. I went up and down stairs until I found Terra and Bartz. (Well, Tina and Butz.)
Hironobu Sakaguchi, creator of Final Fantasy and founder of game studio Mistwalker, announced that he’s currently…
Over the weekend, a Final Fantasy VII player who goes by the handle CirclMastr got Cloud and Barret to level 99,…
This August, a live-action Jojo flick is hitting Japanese movie theaters. Have a look at the first teaser.
In shoujo anime, or anime made for women, “love” is the gravitational center around which the characters and plot…