Having a fondness for Brad Pitt is not required to enjoy the latest tactical hack and slash from the Koei side of…
Tactical Mind is an upcoming strategy video game inspired by Chess. It is being developed as a joint venture by Drageus Games S.A. and Qubic Games S.A.
Having a fondness for Brad Pitt is not required to enjoy the latest tactical hack and slash from the Koei side of…
E3 2010 is almost ready for action. Are you ready for the action games of E3? These console and PC games, we think,…
Social games aren't new–they're just games you play with other people. Social games began about 5000 years ago.
During this week's broadcast of our Kotaku Talk Radio podcast, legendary game designer Sid Meier explains how the…
Kotaku was prepared to mock the release of a metronome for the DSi today, surely not the best thing in this week's…
After two underwhelming DLC extensions, Borderlands returns to the formula that made it a breakout hit last year -…
If EA wants its upcoming Battlefield: Bad Company 2 to begin wresting military first-person shooter dominance away…
Ancient Greece's immortal amnesiacs want answers, damn it, and they intend to get them in Nintendo's role-playing…
It's the year 2025 and a mandated world peace gives rise to three Private Military Corporations. The rise of the PMC…
With at least one potential game of the year exclusively nesting on the Playstation 3 and a price drop under its…