It’s long been unclear who is the worse reporter: Clark Kent, who lies to his readers daily by not mentioning that…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Superman: The New Superman Adventures
Superman: The New Adventures, often referred to as Superman 64, is a 1999 adventure video game developed and published by Titus Software for the Nintendo 64 video game console. The game is based on the television series Superman: The Animated Series. Superman was first released in North America on May 31, 1999 and in Europe on July 23, 1999.
It’s long been unclear who is the worse reporter: Clark Kent, who lies to his readers daily by not mentioning that…
The second most-surprising thing about Marvel Comics’ big 2015 crossover comic book event is that it’s very good.…
DC Comics Legends allows players to form a team of the bravest heroes and boldest villains DC has to offer and then…
“You weren’t so quick to get rid of me last night.” “I notice you like to think you’re in control.” That’s the…
The newest Dark Knight protecting Gotham City isn’t Bruce Wayne. That’s fine by me.
Always thought Harley Quinn was disturbing because of her twisted love affair with the Joker? Here’s a version of…
A Man of Steel who can’t fly. No heat vision. Cape torn to shreds. Yup, Action Comics #41 is the best Superman comic…
Pretty much everybody knows what Batman looks like: pointy ears, menacing cowl, voluminous cape and big bat symbol…
DC Comics did some big things to Superman and Batman over the weekend. But, once again, it feels like Wonder Woman’s…
Daredevil has superpowers I’d love to have but, honestly, I’d never want to be Matt Murdock.