Look at this video. Look at it. Look at how much time must have gone into painstakingly creating every one of…
Super Mario Forever, also widely known as 'Super Mario Bros. Frustration', is a 'Kaizo Hack' of Super Mario Bros. made by a Japanese modder. It is notable for being one of the first extremely difficult Super Mario hacks to be created. This is the game that is played in the popular video "Super Mario Brothers - Frustration" on YouTube.
Look at this video. Look at it. Look at how much time must have gone into painstakingly creating every one of…
When I had enough of Call of Duty: Black Ops II's campaign, I decided to spend some time with its more fantastical…
I've had the Wii U for one day, and the way I play console games at home has already been forever transformed. I…
My favorite videogames are the games I don't fully understand. They stay with me after I stop playing. They ask…
It's getting cold out. There's a major storm coming this weekend (on the East coast, anyway). You really don't want…
Final Fantasy VII's Wikipedia entry is 6,596 words.The Wikipedia entry for William Shakespeare is 5,999 words. Let's…
One of this morning's Internet dramas involved Randy Pitchford, head of Borderlands development studio Gearbox…
Pre-order savings of at least $10 can be found on four big upcoming titles between now and Nov. 20, so if you've…
I haven't picked up a LEGO title in years but I have to admit LEGO Batman 2 has my attention. A bonus credit on the…
Game of Thrones' Tyrion Lannister may be a small man, but he's got a big heart, huge ambition, and is surprisingly…