Rockstar's cop thriller L.A. Noire dominates this coming Tuesday, though RPG enthusiasts on the PC will want to take…
Street Fighter Series is a collection of the first two Street Fighter games - Street Fighter and Street Fighter II. As a bonus two other Capcom games are included on the disk - Mega Man and Mega Man 3: The Robots are Revolting.
Rockstar's cop thriller L.A. Noire dominates this coming Tuesday, though RPG enthusiasts on the PC will want to take…
The long-awaited futuristic FPS Brink highlights this week of releases, promising quadrillions of unique characters…
Epic Games characters have appeared into other games before - Lost Planet 2, for example. The studio's willing to…
The ninth major Mortal Kombat does more than just offer a clean slate for the nearly 20-year-old series, famous for…
For a game that's always been darker and grittier than its rival Street Fighter, the new Mortal Kombat has a…
INSTANT VENDING | JAPAN: There is even a tray filled with disposable chopsticks. (Photo by Brian Ashcraft)
BurnYourBra (above, white shirt) is a very talented Street Fighter player. She's one of the best in the world,…
Done Yours Yet? | If not, you still have the weekend. A quirk in the calendar, involving a District of Columbia…
David Jaffe, co-creator of the 16-year-old Twisted Metal series, has an entertaining way of describing the things…
OUT OF ORDER | JAPAN: This 3DS unit is currently not in commission. (Photo by 2ch)