Soma, the next game from the folks behind Amnesia will be out in 2015 for PC and PlayStation 4, and it's a doozy—a…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Strange Encounter
You are a ufologist investigating recent UFO sightings in a region of the Swiss Alps. Enjoy an original adventure full of mysteries !
Soma, the next game from the folks behind Amnesia will be out in 2015 for PC and PlayStation 4, and it's a doozy—a…
In 22 days' time, we'll know what's really up with the next Assassin's Creed. We'll know if all of those trailers…
For many, Ocarina of Time is the greatest video game ever made or, at the very least, one of the most influential.…
You might not have heard about the security guard that groped a journalist at this year's E3. Or the writer who gave…
Anyone who has played a First-Person Shooter online has encountered one of "those" players; the prepubescent brat…
I'm about as old as Watergate and it has had a constant and vaguely Oedipal influence on me. Dad was a newsman; I'm…
Pathea Games' Planet Explorers tries to do a lot of things at once. The developers of this adventuring-base…
It would be easy, while reviewing Ni no Kuni, to sit at my desk and fling adjectives on the page like a fantasy…
Natural Selection 2 is the first ever game I've enjoyed watching more than I've enjoyed playing.
Questionable Tweets. Claims of legal threats. Edited resumes. An article that named names one day and didn't the…