The bubble bursts. The blood is in the water. The knives sharpen.
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Stock Market: The Game
The bubble bursts. The blood is in the water. The knives sharpen.
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
Bad news just got worse for the makers of FarmVille. It looks like a whole lot of lawyers are about to pounce on one…
Twenty-seven million dollars is a lot of money. But it's not significant. Not in the case of the Madden…
July 3, 2012 Update: Suddenly, this guy is in desperate need of a hit. Zynga revealed FarmVille 2 and a new game…
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
What's happened in the business of video games this past week ...
You are, presumably, a person who plays video games and probably not a rich executive. Maybe you own an Xbox 360 or…
Companies fail all the time, but this, this was different. For Brenda Laurel, it was personal.