I know the narrative this game will forever be bound to. I know its problems, and I know the limitations of a Battlef…
Battle of Jakku is a free expansion pack for Star Wars Battlefront. The expansion pack serves as an insight to the Battle of Jakku, a battle that happened a 369 days after the Battle of Endor and serves as one of the many precursors to The Force Awakens.
I know the narrative this game will forever be bound to. I know its problems, and I know the limitations of a Battlef…
After two Lego Star Wars games covering a movie trilogy each, can Star Wars: The Force Awakens carry an entire Lego…
When Star Wars: Battlefront came out last November, both critics and players noted that the number of vehicles, maps…
We recently took a break from our usual back-and-forths about video games to chat about the new Star Wars movie:…
While playing the PC version of Star Wars Battlefront, I’ve experienced all sorts of ridiculous matchmaking mishaps.…
Star Wars: Battlefront’s Battle of Jakku downloadable content is now live for preorder customers, giving Star Wars…
The third Star Wars Battlefront—just called Star Wars Battlefront—will be out on November 17 for PC, Xbox One, and…