You do not simply save a bunch of money by preordering all these upcoming high-profile releases... what's that? You…
An unreleased Star Fox game that was intended for the Wii. Some of it’s intended aspects were later used in Star Fox Zero
You do not simply save a bunch of money by preordering all these upcoming high-profile releases... what's that? You…
I mean, this character isn't even playable. What's the deal?
There was a Nintendo Direct earlier today, and it was all about Bayonetta 2. Those not dying for the game wouldn't…
The Wii U is set to have quite a 2015, if the delay bug doesn't bite. Nintendo of America tweeted a general release schedule for the Wii U's next year, and it includes everything from Star Fox to Zelda to crazy Miyamoto projects like Project Guard and Project Giant Robot. What do you think?
Mr. Miyamoto, you recently asked me to ask Kotaku's readers to say which games they'd like you to make for the Wii…
Last week in my review, I described Tomodachi Life as "a bizarre, alternate universe where everybody had giant heads…
An optional co-op mode in the upcoming Wii U Star Fox game is going to let two players command one Arwing with one…
Time to get your hopes up, Metroid fans. The series no-showed E3, but you might be heartened by what the men…
47 minutes in length and packed with games, Nintendo's special E3 direct was intense, to say the least. And then…
The man responsible for Mario came to E3 with a fistful of new game prototypes to show. One's a new entry in the…