One parent has put Modern Warfare and Halo to educational use for their four-year-old. Another believes Okami…
A tabletop LCD port of the arcade game Star Castle.
One parent has put Modern Warfare and Halo to educational use for their four-year-old. Another believes Okami…
Never mind that a mere 300,000 or so Xbox 360s were sold in Japan last year. Those who bought the console…
What game could Nintendo have possibly chosen as the 500th downloadable title for the Wii? It would have to be…
Before he was Jeff B. Cohen, Show Biz Lawyer Supreme, he was the clumsy, vocal, faithful side-kick in Steven…
You press a button; a character on the television screen jumps. You press the same button again, while the on-screen…
Black Friday is upon us, and that means there are some pretty good video game deals lurking out there. We've…
New Super Mario Bros. Wii has the Super Guide, in case you ever want the game to autopilot for you, but it also has…
So what exactly does pornographic film star Ron Jeremy have to do with classic fairytales, violent 3D action and…
This morning a videogame literally forced me to say "I love you", enunciating every syllable perfectly, clearly…
Nier Gestalt's protagonist may be the perfect hero for his game. He looks tired and a bit confused.