Final Fantasy VII’s Cosmo Canyon Sequence Is A Meditation On Family, Sacrifice, And Existence Itself
My favorite Final Fantasy game is VII. But it’d been over a decade since I last played FFVII and I wondered how it…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Square Journey
Square Journey is a minimalist arcade game that aims to help Square reach the depths of his inner dungeon in search of a greater understanding of himself.
My favorite Final Fantasy game is VII. But it’d been over a decade since I last played FFVII and I wondered how it…
Half a year ago, Ubisoft released Assassin’s Creed Origins. It was in some ways the most ambitious Assassin’s Creed…
Last fall, Dishonored 2 ripped me right out of my gaming funk. I tore through the game in two days, scouring every…
Credited with having some of the best box art of all time, Secret of Mana deserves a remake directly inspired by its…
The fastest way to beat the iconic role-playing game Final Fantasy IV isn’t to dash through the final dungeon or…
Nier Automata is cruel to its characters.
This week the Midwinter Update for Gwent, CD Projeckt Red’s card game based off The Witcher 3, finally went live. Gwe…
In the latest installment of the toco toco TV, the beautiful and melancholy documentary series about Japanese game…