Free the Indianapolis 500 | The U.K.'s Dan Wheldon won on the 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 today,…
Square Deal (known as Cadillac II in Japan) is a card based poker variant game. It is the sequel to the Japanese only game Cadillac.
Free the Indianapolis 500 | The U.K.'s Dan Wheldon won on the 100th anniversary of the Indianapolis 500 today,…
"Obviously, I can't bring people back to life," Jon Jacobs recently told me. Obviously.
A guy from Thailand is selling his collection of Final Fantasy games. Normally, not so big a deal, but this isn't…
Streaming video game download service OnLive is gathering steam, scoring a big win with a day-one release of the…
Sarif Industries: Building better people for a better tomorrow. What could a human augmentation company that's…
Lest you forget that Halo is a big deal — and that the series turns 10 this year — Microsoft is ready to remind you.…
Nintendo is apparently not making the upcoming Zelda game for the 3DS, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D.…
Researchers at a government-funded laboratory have built a giant touchscreen video game that simulates the capture…
Still hungry for more Deus Ex: Human Revolution gameplay? You just got, like, eight minutes worth of Eidos…
Cosplay, the art of dressing up like somebody else, is normally happy just looking like the character. Canadian…