The next Hitman title is just around the corner, releasing this coming Tuesday. We all know what Conan O'Brien thinks
Square Deal (known as Cadillac II in Japan) is a card based poker variant game. It is the sequel to the Japanese only game Cadillac.
The next Hitman title is just around the corner, releasing this coming Tuesday. We all know what Conan O'Brien thinks
I used to work with a guy who was in Mensa, the "High IQ Society." He had a plaque over his desk and everything. It…
Questionable Tweets. Claims of legal threats. Edited resumes. An article that named names one day and didn't the…
Will we ever get enough of Persona? The concept might sound bizarre—hardcore RPG meets lighthearted school…
While speaking with Yoshitaka Amano, the legendary designer who created art for almost every game in the Final…
A few weeks ago, after I published a column about how football is basically a role-playing game, I got an e-mail…
We still haven't heard a peep from Square Enix's North American offices about Bravely Default: Flying Fairy, a…
Like so very many of my neighbors, I may live more-or-less in Washington DC now, but I'm not really "from" here. I…
Last week iNiS' rhythm-shooter Demons' Score hit the North American app store, disappointing many fans by padding…
It's funny when anyone on the Internet flips out, but no one does it better than the video gamer. When the issue…