Hey Kotaku readers it's almost E3 time! I'm super busy preparing for E3 right now and it's madness over at the…
Hey Kotaku readers it's almost E3 time! I'm super busy preparing for E3 right now and it's madness over at the…
Red guys fight blue guys in what may be one of the more ambitious games on the horizon, the goofily-named Shootmania…
Fantasy RPG Game of Thrones and fantasy MMO TERA Online already are seeing modest discounts. The upcoming RPG from…
"In a freemium game it's not a rational decision to pay; it's an emotional one." Wednesday at the East Coast Games…
Today NCsoft launches Aion: Ascension, the free-to-play rebirth of its faltering MMO, complete with eagerly…
REMIX! This week sees the release of only two new games across Nintendo's three platforms, signaling a time of…
Kid Icarus: Uprising is Nintendo's big 3DS game of early 2012. Hyped since the early days of the 3DS as one of the…
When you have done so much right for so long, to the point that very little needs to be changed, the paradox of your…
This week, there's a good amount of solid stuff new at the PlayStation store; it ain't the horn of plenty that we've…
I was designing a user interface for someone else's social game the other day, and I was completely oblivious that…