I am a huge fan of The Longest Journey franchise, so you can bet the moment the Kickstarter for Dreamfall Chapters…
A fast-paced minion-based MMORTS.
I am a huge fan of The Longest Journey franchise, so you can bet the moment the Kickstarter for Dreamfall Chapters…
Summon Epona for just $10. For those keeping track, this is a 12-hole Alto C instrument. [Ocarina]
There are more than a few popular horror game series out there—from classics like Resident Evil and Silent Hill to…
Remember that one NES game that you played every night for weeks then never got back from a friend you lent it to?…
Should You Get The Last of Us Again On PS4? How about for $34? [The Last of Us Remastered, $34] Update: The price…
Two big options for console preorders today. Hit up this list to get a $10 Xbox Gift Card with whatever game you…
Gen Urobuchi has written some of the most psychologically dark anime in recent memory. He is a master at…
Today's the day to rectify your mistake in never getting around to the Metro series. $40. [Metro Redux]
I’m standing in front of a cave, my assault rifle drawn. I’m shooting at a steady stream of identical aliens. I do…
The third Keshin live-action film, Rurouni Kenshin: The Legend Ends, hit Japanese theaters this past weekend. As…