Having supplied my gut reaction to Sonic Generations on Tuesday, I'm still plowing through the game, on course for a…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Sonic Jump
Vertical platforming with Sonic. Remake of a game of the same name released on older mobile phones.
Having supplied my gut reaction to Sonic Generations on Tuesday, I'm still plowing through the game, on course for a…
Desperately attempting to please two different sets of fans on Sonic the Hedgehog's 20th anniversary, Sega has…
Video games have so many iconic sound effects—hearing the simple "ga-ling!" of the Nintendo coin can invoke a…
Video game news is being made right now in Germany, and we're putting it all together here so you can keep up with…
Nintendo has Mario. Microsoft has Master Chief. And Sega, well, for a long time Sega has had Sonic the Hedgehog as…
Do you like comics about video games? I sure hope so, because there are a lot of new ones this week, and not many…
Nintendo's top people don't use the word Apple. They don't say iPhone or iTunes, not voluntarily, not if they can…
I finished more than 50 video games in 2010. I did not plan to. But here's the list.
How would Tim write a Super Mario novel? Who is the David Mamet of video games? Why are gamers so inarticulate? What…
Xbox Live Arcade game Hydrophobia released this summer to mixed, sometimes harsh reviews. The developer, Dark…