Somewhere along the line, it happened. The name changed. George R.R. Martin's celebrated fantasy series A Song of…
Somewhere along the line, it happened. The name changed. George R.R. Martin's celebrated fantasy series A Song of…
Have you ever gotten so immersed in a video game so fully that you lost track of time? You're climbing the mountains…
In an epic tale of time-traveling heroism, Square Enix travels two years into the future to rectify the mistakes it…
The week is almost at an end, and so it's time for a Thursday Kotaku evening open thread. How has your Thursday…
Jon Fitch (above, celebrating after a win) makes his living kicking the crap out of people. As one of the world's…
A gambling man once bet me a hundred dollars he could think of something I couldn't convincingly pretend to dislike…
The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim is such an expansive game that even after spending three hours playing in its fantasy…
A Game of Thrones - Genesis seems to be a big fan of flashing us with pictures of rolling landscapes, snow and the…
Blockhead - Crecente shows his true face while working in the Gamescom press room.
Arcen Games, famed for AI War, financial troubles, and causing a shortage of iron, have announced their new game: A…