Call of Duty has recently gotten lost in a future of jetpack boosting, robots, and wacky laser guns, leaving the…
Six Guns is a Western-themed shooter for mobile devices.
Call of Duty has recently gotten lost in a future of jetpack boosting, robots, and wacky laser guns, leaving the…
Destiny 2 is a much simpler game than its predecessor, but that doesn’t mean it’s simple. There are a lot of…
When we meet Sebastian Castellanos at the beginning of The Evil Within 2, he’s a broken man. The mind-bending events…
Even if we can’t see out character’s face and body, animation tells us a lot about characters in first person games.…
It’s taken Ubisoft seven months to add PvP to Ghost Recon: Wildlands. The new mode officially went live on Tuesday.…
An ill-fated trip through the local Wendy’s drive through yesterday resulted in room temperature fries, the wrong…
Destiny PvP has always been where I look to more deeply understand the mechanics underpinning the game. When I look…
There are Storm Troopers, Jedi, and tons of blasters. But the latest Star Wars game also has whirlwinds of leaves…
Today on Highlight reel we have near misses, trapped guns, confused NPCs and much more!
As I struggle to fall asleep after a night of Destiny 2, the game keeps running through my mind. It’s like getting a…