64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
The biggest plot twist in Assassin’s Creed history is this: Assassin’s Creed Rogue, the least-hyped console game in…
We've got some great gift card deals for PlayStation AND Xbox owners today.
The CM Storm QuickFire mechanical gaming keyboard is listed at $120 today, which is an all-time low on Amazon.…
Some are easy to find, some are well hidden, but Azeroth and the surrounding worlds are big enough to have special…
Well over 10 hours into Resident Evil 4, there’s a pertinent moment that says a lot about the game’s essence.
Here we go again. For the ninth year in a row (since 2006!), I’ve counted up how many video games I either started…
In 2014, we shared the stories from game developers who have been laid off. We followed the ups and downs of the Ma…
2014 was a weird year for video games. Lotta ups, lotta downs, lotta what-have-yous. But while the year had its…
It's that time of year. The time of Secret Santa, Hidden Hanukkah and Cryptic Kwanzaa celebrations, which means you…