As I played through the first single-player mission of the new Twisted Metal I felt oddly disconnected from the…
I have been waiting for you for a long time. The beauties are waiting for you at the finish line. Run!
As I played through the first single-player mission of the new Twisted Metal I felt oddly disconnected from the…
Batman's had lots of sidekicks over the years. Imps from other dimensions, mask-wearing dogs and his own kill-crazy…
Maplestory, an online game that's been running since 2003 (2005 in North America), lets players get married. It also…
Greetings, Kotaku-eers, and welcome to the Thursday evening open thread. The week is almost over! It's been a fun…
His season may be over, but Tebow Time has not run out. And if last night's news about the Madden NFL 13 cover is…
The 2012 Consumer Electronics Show has come and gone, and still no smell-o-vision inventor has stepped forward to…
When Nintendo announced Kid Icarus: Uprising at last year's E3, I remember the enthusiastic response from the crowd.…
Here at Kotaku, we run all sorts of stories. Video game news and reviews, culture stories, stories about Japan,…
Next week, Saints Row: The Third players will get the weirdest DLC for the game yet (and that's counting the gun…
A long-forgotten truth of NFL Blitz revealed itself to me as I looked to salt away my first victory: You don't salt…