All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Run Girls Run
Run, girls! Run!
Influential Smash Bros. tournament organizer Johnathan "Alex Strife" Lugo will no longer be involved with this…
Tokyo is home to a new Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire cafe. It serves up an array of Pikachu-themed treats.…
The holidays are upon us, and and nothing says "Happy Holidays" like the smiles on the faces of loved ones when…
In case you're asleep by the time it's posted, almost every night on Kotaku I run a feature called Fine Art. It's a…
Want to see some of the most amazing, well-choreographed fights animation has to offer? Then RWBY season two is…
Every season, there is one anime that stands above the rest. And for this past summer season, that anime is Barak…
The Fatal Frame series is one of the creepiest survival-horror game series out there and certainly my personal…
You’ve seen the same romantic scene a thousand times in a thousand different movies and, yet, every time it still…