CultureNewsCultureNewsPS5 ‘Slim’ Teardown Reveals Everything Different About The Slightly Smaller ConsoleSony’s redesigned PS5 has some small variations from the launch unitsByEthan GachPublishedNovember 6, 2023
Game TipsGame TipsBaldur’s Gate 3’s Latest Big Patch Brings Over 1,000 More Tweaks And FixesHighlights include visual options for color-blind people and hireling customizationByKenneth ShepardPublishedNovember 2, 2023
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ReviewsPlayStationReviewsPlayStationSpider-Man 2: The Kotaku ReviewPlayStation’s latest superhero romp doesn’t hold backByEthan GachPublishedOctober 16, 2023
CulturePokemonCulturePokemonPokémon Has A Reseller Problem, And It’s Only Getting WorseThe Van Gogh Museum fiasco was a microcosm of what the Pokémon community has been dealing with for yearsByKenneth ShepardPublishedOctober 16, 2023
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OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryAhsoka Episode 8 Review: Right Where We Need To BeThe season ends somewhat inevitably, with all of Dave Filoni’s favorite toys moved around his big Star Wars game…ByAlyssa MercantePublishedOctober 4, 2023
CultureNewsCultureNewsEvery Change In Baldur's Gate 3's Third Giant UpdatePatch 3 is live for the Dungeons & Dragons RPG and the list of changes is hurting my brainByEthan GachPublishedSeptember 22, 2023
OpinionCommentaryOpinionCommentaryLies Of P’s Weapon Customization Sure Is Something SpecialWeapon assembly is a key feature that differentiates Neowiz Games and Round8 Studio’s Soulslike from all the restByLevi WinslowPublishedSeptember 20, 2023
ReviewsMultiplatformReviewsMultiplatformAtlas Fallen: The Kotaku ReviewAll those moments lost to time, like sand in the desertByEthan GachPublishedAugust 9, 2023