Resident Evil: The Missions breaks down a giant zombie safari into 100 small stages, each composed of a just a few rooms and a small goal, such as rescue a helpful citizen or blow off a zombie's head.
How much to we value weirdness? How much weight do we place on eccentricity? There are so many video games that are…
Last week, I spoke to a room full of teenagers at the Brooklyn Public Library about video games and technology. When…
It might be as fair to write about playing Resident Evil: Operation Raccoon City solo as it would be to rate a…
While it might not be quite as terrifying as the Circle Pad Pro add-on it helped inspire for the Nintendo 3DS, Reside…
Resident Evil: Revelations is a wonderful surprise. It benefits both from the low expectations set by the previous,…
The Nintendo Download post normally showcases one of the many downloadable titles you can buy from WiiWare, DSiWare,…
Here comes Saints Row the Third, walking down the street without a care in the world, waving its giant purple schlong
It's true. You can finally download PlayStation 2 classic God Hand to your PlayStation 3, people. That's the…
When Grand Theft Auto IV came out, I was swept away. The scope, depth, and scale of the game were almost too much to…