MultiplatformPersona 3 Reload - Episode Aigis: The Answer: The Kotaku ReviewThe DLC epilogue brings all the best and worst parts of Aigis’ journey to ReloadKenneth Shepard
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsXCOM: Chimera Squad Adds Personality To The Series, But Feels Less PersonalChimera Squad is a fitting subtitle for the new XCOM game, because it’s a chimera of a game. Sure, it’s got XCOM’s…ByNathan GraysonPublishedApril 23, 2020
OpinionImpressionsOpinionImpressionsThe Division 2's First Season Is Pretty Good, So FarWith the release of Warlords of New York last month, The Division 2 added a big new playable area to the game. But…ByZack ZwiezenPublishedApril 1, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsThe Do's And Don'ts Of Visiting Friends In Animal Crossing: New HorizonsOne of the true pleasures of Animal Crossing: New Horizons is the sense of connection. It’s not just that Nintendo’s…ByAri NotisPublishedApril 1, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsBorderlands 3’s 'Door Busters' Event Guarantees A Legendary Weapon HaulBorderlands 3 events tend to be hit or miss. The current one, “Door Busters,” isn’t just a hit. It’s a headshot.ByAri NotisPublishedMarch 30, 2020
ReviewsPCReviewsPCHalf-Life: Alyx: The Kotaku ReviewMere minutes into Half-Life: Alyx, I encountered a Strider. These behemoths cast ominous shadows on all who dare…ByNathan GraysonPublishedMarch 23, 2020
CultureCultureUbisoft Reveals A Surprise Division 2 Expansion 'Warlords of New York' That Is Designed To Revive The GameThe makers of The Division 2 have waited until nearly the last possible moment to give their frustrated player base…ByStephen TotiloPublishedFebruary 11, 2020
CultureCultureWind Waker Speedrunners Are Quickly Closing In On A Less Than One-Hour RunZelda speedrunning is always changing. Long-sought skips have been found in The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask, and O…ByHeather AlexandraPublishedFebruary 5, 2020
Game TipsGame TipsHow To Squeeze The Most Legendary Gear Out Of Borderlands 3's New EventThere’s really only one reason people play Borderlands 3, and it’s not the story. It’s the guns. And right now,…ByAri NotisPublishedFebruary 3, 2020
CultureCultureEscape From Tarkov, A 2-Year-Old War Game, Is Suddenly The Biggest Thing On TwitchEscape From Tarkov is currently the third largest category on Twitch, with over ninety thousand viewers as this…ByGita JacksonPublishedJanuary 6, 2020
CultureKotaku Game DiaryCultureKotaku Game DiaryHow I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love My Bad Destiny 2 GunsBehold my Tango-45 XK5094, a completely mediocre Destiny 2 gun that I’ve finally decided to embrace after weeks of…ByEthan GachPublishedJanuary 6, 2020