64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Realm of Dread
Take a step into the Realm of Dread's world of horror and suspense. Explore mysterious locations, fight for survival within the realm of supernatural entities and uncover the secrets hidden in the shadows. This journey through darkness requires courage and intellect. Are you ready?
64 hours. 23 hours. 42 hours. 28 hours. Somewhere on a grassy plain trying to figure out if I should spend my days…
Knock, knock. Who's there? An alien. It kills you.
We spend a lot of time talking about the future. What's on the horizon, what's coming, what's the next big thing.…
In recent weeks, Facebook has been sending emails imploring me to complete a survey about how they might improve…
Zack Snyder. Guillermo Del Toro. Gore Verbinski. Michael Bay. Peter Jackson. These are just some of the top…
Sometimes it got difficult to remember what evil looks like in the Mass Effect games.
Freelance artist and game designer Anjin Anhut shares some thoughts (and neat comparison charts) on what size means…
It only took one and a half chapters of Resident Evil 5 to convince me that everything I thought about the game,…
Having seen success with the first novel based on the Warhammer Online MMORPG, Empire In Chaos, Mythic…