The Nintendo Games Seminar is an annual program where teams of college students are given weekly classes on game…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Reach for the Stars
Reach for the Stars is a turn-based strategy game of epic galactic exploration, colonization, and conquest. The original RFTS released in the mid-1980s was wildly popular in its day, and maintains a loyal following. Reach for the Stars is considered to be one of the original 4X (eXplore, eXpand, eXploit, eXterminate) games.
The Nintendo Games Seminar is an annual program where teams of college students are given weekly classes on game…
Two Victorian gentlemen take to the stars in this interesting-looking puzzle-adventure called 39 Days To Mars.
What can men do against such reckless beauty, such wanton loveliness? How can a game so obviously gorgeous, so…
Earlier this month, I got a chance to fly up to Washington and try Bungie's upcoming sci-fi shooter, Destiny.…
Goku and Naruto. Luffy and Ichigo. Jojo and Kenshiro. It's hard not to be excited about a game where all your…
As I strapped on an Oculus Rift and the looming enormity of EVE Valkyrie's space engulfed me, I realized something…
One of this fall's big Assassin's Creed games, called or code-named Unity, is set at least partly in 18th-century…
Time to boldly pay less than any man one has paid before. The first five remastered seasons of Star Trek: The Next…
Yoshi's New Island is a perfectly pleasant video game that I have a hard time recommending.
We've had quite a few deals on various permutations of The Lord of the Rings films, but many readers have been…