You can judge a first person shooter almost entirely on the strengths of its shotguns. A good video game shotgun is…
You can judge a first person shooter almost entirely on the strengths of its shotguns. A good video game shotgun is…
Alright. You know the drill. A new anime season means new anime—42 for this winter season to be precise. With so…
Few game reveals are more anticipated a brand-new Legend of Zelda game, but nothing touches the intense reaction…
With Cloud9 and Counter Logic Gaming tied and Team SoloMid just one game behind them, this would be a dream season…
At first glance, Team Fortress 2 has a lot of the things that make a successful competitive game. Tons of people…
Descent co-creators Matt Toschlog and Mike Kulas want to make a spiritual successor to the “six-degree of freedom”…
It has become clear, in the wake of the disastrous Unsung Story, that we may never get a proper successor to Final…
On the face of it, you wouldn’t pick DenDD vs. PixelFire to be a classic Counter-Strike match. They’re minor…
STAT | $794 million - The staggering size of Magic Leap’s latest investment round. The augmented reality company has…
What makes this even better is that the video series started in 2014 and only wrapped up today.