This fall, we've been getting the best sort of déja vu. From Dishonored to XCOM, many of the best games of the fall…
Quick Draw is a single screen two player shooter where each player stands on either side of the screen as cowboys, and have to try to shoot the other player dead. Both players can move up or down, and in between on the screen are cactus and a wagon that scrolls up the screen. The winner is the player who shoots the other player dead five times.
This fall, we've been getting the best sort of déja vu. From Dishonored to XCOM, many of the best games of the fall…
In a season of outstanding PC ports, each new game has begun to arrive accompanied by the same question: Will this…
Despite the blockbusters out this week, and other more than worthy time-killers like Retro City Rampage, the game…
Accel World is a popular anime series based on a series of popular light novels centering around a secret MMORPG…
The old dread isn't coming back. You remember it, don't you? The shock of terror when you stumbled in on a zombie…
Welcome to the Best of Kotaku, where I round up all of this week's best content.
Most people might take their stealth tips from Solid Snake or Sam Fisher. Me, I'm more in tune with, uh, the…
For those who are not familiar with the site, is essentially a repository of information on…
Every corner of the Darksiders world is laced with art. There's art on art, more art than you can shake a stick at.…