In 1993, Nintendo made the inexplicable decision to license The Legend of Zelda to Phillips Media, creators of the…
All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Puzzle Land
Puzzle Land is a remake of the gameboy game Daedalian opus also known as puzzle road in japan.
In 1993, Nintendo made the inexplicable decision to license The Legend of Zelda to Phillips Media, creators of the…
Uncharted: The Lost Legacy is an easy video game to like in spite of its flaws. It’s buoyed by a winning cast of…
We’re well on our way toward a fully-revealed Knights of the Frozen Throne expansion for Hearthstone, and so far…
Announced during the PlayStation press conference at E3 2017, Moss is a virtual reality action-adventure puzzle…
You might remember that back in 2015 I reviewed a game called Order of Battle: Pacific, and liked it a lot. In the…
While we’re prepping for E3 this week and reminiscing about the great moments from expos past, let me regale you of…
Traversing Breath of the Wild’s Hyrule unveils somber narratives inferred through its ruins and decimated villages.…
When you enter a gaming tournament, you usually know what you’re in for. Unless you’re entering a mystery game…
Popularized by games like Puzzles & Dragons, mobile match-three puzzles games usually contain overly-complex…
There’s a certain strain of Nintendo fan that’s probably wondering, these days: What’s up with Wario platformers?…