Windows RT, the version of Windows 8 built specifically to work on mobile processors, confuses a lot of people. It's…
Windows RT, the version of Windows 8 built specifically to work on mobile processors, confuses a lot of people. It's…
I never wanted to have sex with Lara Croft. And I didn't want to protect her either. In the early Tomb Raider games…
Any discussion of the games I've played over the past week is not complete without a reference to the humongous worm…
In 2011 SilverTree Media introduced Cordy, a robotic platforming hero for the smartphone age. While other developers…
It would be easy, while reviewing Ni no Kuni, to sit at my desk and fling adjectives on the page like a fantasy…
It's been two years since we started posting the Gaming App of the Day here at Kotaku, shining the spotlight on a…
Papo & Yo did something that too few games manage to do: it let me step into the life of another,…
It's been a good run, but this is it: our final collection of worthwhile mobile games and Gaming Apps of the Day of…
You joined Facebook, which just proves Zuckerberg's plan is working. Whatever it is.
It's almost Christmas, and that means new games and new devices to play them on! Perhaps that's why I've been…