All the Latest Game Footage and Images from Puzzle Guys
Puzzle Guys is an adventure puzzle game in which you have to control 4 characters at once.
Heeding Luke Plunkett's warning from Monday, I'm going to talk about The Act, Centipede Origins, and WarGames: WOPR,…
Even if you're tired of the Lego video games (I'm not), you've got to admit this looks cool. Or cute. Or... come…
Just like an all-star music festival where awesome acts keep announcing that they'll be showing up to play,…
For this week's Burning Questions, Jason and Kirk talk about video game controllers. Which controller is better,…
Every few weeks we here at Kotaku make a selection of some of the best indie games that Xbox Live has to offer.…
Girl's RPG: Cinderellife is the newest game by Level-5. Far from the puzzle solving of Professor Layton or the giant…
Thought we forgot about Speak Up on Kotaku's Best Game Ever? We were only biding our time until commenter DocSeuss…